Monday, January 27, 2020
Adam And Eve The Duality Of Humanity Religion Essay
Adam And Eve The Duality Of Humanity Religion Essay Paradise Losts Adam is a rational, clever and trustworthy character who has an amazing rapport with the highest power, God. It can even be argued that before he fell, his was the epitome of humanity, as perfect a human as ever existed. He shares this trait with Eve who is the most perfect and complete woman. This view has been reciprocated by many religious denominations but each has interpreted it in their own unique ways; from Calvinists to puritans to Milton each has interpreted the story of Genesis in their own unique way. Like Adam who was perfect, to the belief that eve was flawed, each has built their own mythos around the story of the genesis of mankind. The Adam represented in Miltons Paradise Lost is an exceedingly rational being, and can understand greatly sophisticated and complex ideas nearly instantaneously. However this perfection hides several deep and critical flaws present within his character. His character and insight is demonstrated when after observing Raphaels descent into Eden, Adam orders eve to, go with speed, / And what thy stores contain, bring forth and pour / Abundance, fit to honor and receive / Our Heavnly stranger (V, 313-316). To which Eve answers, Adam, earths hallowed mould, / Of God inspird, small store will serve, where store, / All seasons, ripe for use hangs on the stalk (V, 321-323). These word which at first seem stiff and of an overly formal method, nonetheless helps reveal the relationship of Adam and Eve. Adam is in charge, but his request for Eve to prepare a meal is not in any way dismissive. She understands that and her response, is in accord with that message. This transitory conversation is n ot that of a master and servant but of two people who hold themselves in equal regard. His relationship with Eve is not the only conversation between equals, as he also talks with Raphael as an equal. He converses with the archangel Raphael as an equal both, socially in his standing, and intellectually in his ability to clearly understand the meanings behind the Raphaels words. However this ends after Adams fall from the grace of god. After his fall Adam loses his pure intellect and his rationality leading him to brash and increasingly non-rational actions, stripping him of his ability to converse with the angels as an equal. Adams greatest flaw is his unequivocal love for his wife Eve. He falls I love merely upon seeing her for the first, and even confesses to the archangel Raphael that his attraction is nigh overwhelming. Though warned by Raphael to keep his dangerous emotions in check he completely disregards Raphaels earnest urgings. After Eve eats from the Tree of Knowledge of good and evil, quickly devours a fruit from the same tree in order to prevent him from being separated from her even momentarily. Eve has become an indispensable companion in his life and he will do anything in order to prevent himself from being separated from his only love. His other major weakness is his insatiable curiosity. He manipulates the angel Raphael to extract more information from him, To whom the Patriarch of mankind replid, /O favourable spirit, propitious guest, /Well hast thou taught the way that might direct /Our knowledge, and the scale of Nature set /From center to circumference, whereon/ In contemplation of created things /By steps we may ascend to God. But say, /What meant that caution joind, if ye be found Obedient? Can we want obedience then to him, or possibly his love desert that formd us from the dust, and placd us here full to the utmost measure of what bliss Human desires can seek or apprehend?(Book V 506-518) This suggests a growing attraction to temptation, but like his relationship with Eve this temptation is easily ignored. It is only through Eve that his temptations become truly unavoidable. Created to be Adams mate, Eve can be considered inferior to Adam, but only by a very slight margin. She surpasses Adam only in her beauty. Like the mortal narcissus, she falls in love with her own reflection stilled and entranced by her own beauty. In an ironical sense her beauty her greatest strength is also her greatest flaw. She is easily manipulated by Satan when she is complimented on both her beauty and goodness. But even so it is not her beauty that is tested but her intelligence and spiritual purity. Though she is by no means unintelligent she lacks the ambition and drive to learn more, content to leave all her decisions to Adam as was ordained by God. As a result, she does not advance in either intelligence or in knowledge but remains mostly static, although by the end of the poem she begins to show the seeds of wisdom. Her lack of learning is mostly due to her absence from Raphaels conversations with Adam in Books V, VI, and VII, and her not experiencing Raphaels visions in Books XI and XII. She feels that it is not her place to be present in this discussions but is content to learn from Adam as a third-party. However, Milton is quick to defend her choice as, Yet went she not, as not with such discourse / Delighted, or not capable of her ear / Of what was high: such pleasures she reservd, / Adam relating, she sole Auditress (VIII, 48-51). The only time that she deviates from her mainly passive role, it results in the punishing fall of man. Even so eve does occasionally question Adams choices and ideas. In Book IX, her questioning does lead to temptation, Eve states at the start of Book IX that they can do more work if they work separately. Adam feeling that as Eve was tricked once before Satan when she was alone, resists this idea and refuses to be separated from Eve once more lest she fall once more into temptation. However due to the love he feels for Eve he allows himself to be separated in order to please Eve. This is possibly due only to his love and is not an exercise of his reasonable capabilities. On the other hand, Eve won her argument by cleverly utilizing her few advantages over Adam. Though through her actions she sets herself up to fail by that only together can they resist temptation. However, her character is quite different from the views held by other religious denomination. This fits with the Genesis description that her one major flaw is her curiosity and vanity. She suffers from a need to know that is her one major flaw even in Genesis she cares for him being as she is made to make him happy. Adam is also slightly different in that he is not as confident in himself. However, even more importantly, is the distinct lack of available text to be able extrapolated to provide an adequate portrait of both Adam and Eves general personality. This has not stopped numerous Christian denominations from interpreting her in various fashions. Calvinists believed that Adam was created in such a way he had to sin, predestination. Original sin, therefore, seems to be a hereditary depravity and corruption of our nature, diffused into all parts of the soul, which first makes us liable to Gods wrath, then also brings forth in us those works which Scripture calls works of the flesh (Gal 5:19). And that is properly what Paul often calls sin. The works that come forth from itsuch as adulteries, fornications, thefts, hatreds, murders, carousingshe accordingly calls fruits of sin (Gal 5:19-21), although they are also commonly called sins in Scripture, and even by Paul himself.(Calvin,24) This fits with the general view that it is Adams inherent depravity that prevents him from being able to resist Eve. He accepts the temptation because he too wants the forbidden and to disobey. (Calvin Chap 11, 30It also fits extremely well with their general view of God as a tyrant. This view was unconsciously shared by many members of the Reformation. This belief was predestination or the belief that whether a person will go to heaven or hell is decided before a person is even born. If this fact is taken in consideration with the saga of Adam and Eve it creates the image of a sadistic god who created Adam and Eve only to cause them to fall. In this way it is a reflection of the general attitude held by many Reformationists is that humanity is in general doomed, a nihilist philosophy which either caused a person to believe they were exceedingly blessed or to despair in their spiritual state. Moreover, we say that our pollution is so great, that it can never be washed away save in the fountain of his pure blood. Must not those who are thus addressed conceive a greater horror of sin than if it were said to be wiped off by a sprinkling of good works? If they have any reverence for God, how can they, after being once purified, avoid shuddering at the thought of again wallowing in the mire, and as much as in them lies troubling and polluting the purity of this fountain? I have washed my feet, (says the believing soul in the Song of Solomon, 5:3), how shall I defile them? It is now plain which of the two makes the forgiveness of sins of less value, and derogates from the dignity of justification. They pretend that God is appeased by their frivolous satisfactions; in other words, by mere dross. We maintain that the guilt of sin is too heinous to be so frivolously expiated; that the offense is too grave to be forgiven to such valueless satisfactions; and, therefore, that forgive ness is the prerogative of Christs blood alone. (Calvin, Chap.16, 4) This is important in that Milton represents God as an emotionally distant controlling god. He is not available to be loved, but only held in awe. We can never merit this love only accept the free gift. Milton does not make God approachable as are his Adam and Eve. Therefore, Miltons Adam and Eve are not the Calvinistic fallen and depraved, but men, like ourselves who chose error through faults, but are still with much merit. Throughout time the saga of Adam and Eve has been analyzed and rewoven a multitude of times over the ages Miltons incarnation has earned its pedestal as the supreme mythos of the genesis of mankind, while others have interpreted Adam and eve as chosen of God, the fallen, or as victims of a malevolent god. There is only one thing certain that not much is known of Adam and Eve but much still can be learned from Miltons the relationship between man and woman and the future we can claim.
Sunday, January 19, 2020
Policing Trends and Issues Essay
* History and roles of law enforcement in society. During the history of Law Enforcement the duty of police is to maintain order, dealing with lawbreakers. At the same time, citizens were responsible for protecting themselves and maintaining an orderly society. With the pass of the time, throughout the Law Enforcement field, organized police department have change dramatically. In addition, the modern style police departments did not appear until the fourteenth century in France and nineteenth century in England. Moreover, the first police officers were Praetorian Guard, who was a select group of highly qualified members of the military established by the Roman emperor Augustus to protect him and his palace. During the 1829, Sir Robert Peel credited with establishing the first English police department which was the London Metropolitan Police. At the same time, during the seventeenth century English policing system also used a form of individual, private police known them also like the Thief-takers. The Thief-Takers were private English citizens with no official status who were paid by the king for every criminal they arrested. The roles of law enforcement in society are criminal apprehension, conviction, and crime prevention. Throughout the history and roles of law enforcement many things have changed for example the treatment and punishments for offenders. In the past offenders were treat as animals and slaves, because while in prison they cannot communicate each other, during meal, and work. Moreover, during that time they have very strict rules, such as silent obedience, discipline, and labor, which they have to follow, and many offenders died inside of the prison as a result of brutal treatment. Now, offenders receive a different treatments and punishments, they are able to have communication with their inmates, and they do not receive brutal treatment like animals. They also form their gang members and sells drugs while in prison. Then, during the 1980’s and 1990’s included the development of a computer revolution in policing involving communications, record keeping, fingerprinting, and criminal investigations. * Levels of jurisdiction. Police has jurisdiction and their city sheriff has jurisdiction over the county. * Distinction among the multiple functions of modern law enforcement agencies. * Analysis of historical events that have shaped modern policing practices. Past II – Scenario 1. Throughout the history of police agencies, there have been different traditions surrounding how to handle DUI stops. If you were on routine patrol and stopped a vehicle on reasonable suspicion of driving while intoxicated, and discovered that the passenger was your next door neighbor, what would you do? Historically, how would law enforcement handle this type of situation versus today? First at all, I will not care if he/she is my next door neighbor or even a family member, because I choose to become a police officer to protect and help my community without being corrupt. Then, I would do the right thing, without caring who is committing a DUI stop because my job is serving as a police officer and treat all people equal. I will handle this type of situation by asking for their license, insurance, and registration. In my opinion I think that law enforcement in the past should act violent, with the people. On the other hand, comparing it with today police officers should just ask for their license, insurance and registration, without any aggression against people. 2. You are on foot patrol and a citizen who is known to be a drug dealer walks up to you and complains that another officer is talking money from him. He is afraid of retaliation and is unsure how to handle this. What is the ethical and professional response to this, and why? 3. You are on duty and having lunch. While you are eating, a citizen walks up to you and tells you that the bank across the street is being robbed. How do you respond? Who has jurisdiction and why? 4. You have recently completed field training and are on routine patrol when you receive a call to a disturbance in a home, when you arrive, you realize that one of the individuals involved is threatening suicide. You have not been trained to deal with suicide threats. How do you respond? 5. You are on routine patrol and you notice two individuals on the street looking inside of jewelry store. It is 85 degrees out in the middle of July and they are both wearing heavy winter coats. Explain which Supreme Court case would apply and what you would do in this situation. 6. You are recruit that has just graduated from the academy. It is your first week being trained on the street. You and your Field Training Officer walk into a department store and you observe him taking an item without paying for it. You leave that store and on your way out he tells you that if you are questioned by anyone, you did not see anything. What do you do in this situation? Part III – summary Reactions * How do ethical decisions tie into the profession of policing? Ethical decisions tie into the profession of policing by doing the right thing. In other words, ethical decisions are a set of standards that tell us how we should behave at all times. In addition, no one stands without a code of ethics; everyone has to follow their code of ethics based on their positions. For example, ethics are more than what we must do its doing what we should do following a code of ethics which requires self control at all times. Moreover, ethical decisions tie into the profession of policing by doing the right thing and seeing the difference between the right and wrong thing. These ethical decisions are very significant in the field of policing because each ethical decision has consequences. For example, when you do the right thing you can gain sacrifice, pride, integrity, reputation, honor, respect, caring, responsibility and satisfaction than doing an unethical decision and having bad consequences for your career. * In the scenarios above, and in general, why do you think it is important to maintain ethical and professional behavior in the workplace at all times. It is important to maintain ethical and professional behavior in the workplace at all time, because it help you to have self-control, give fairness for all, and because it affects our workplace or business. Another reason of why ethical and professional behavior is important in the workplace at all times is important is because having a good conduct helps maintain a high level of respect not only for people but for the profession you have. In other words, as a professional, you need to know the things you should not do because each workplace has a different ethical code of behavior that has to be follow and not to be violate. On the other hand, being honest, having respect and telling the truth all times at work is an ethical thing to do. Maintaining an ethical and professional behavior in the workplace at all times, have benefits, which are helpful such as respect, integrity, and honor. Also each professional behavior has a result of progress, and success. Then, having an ethical and professional behavior is important because if you chose a career in criminal justice you have to serve and protect people from criminals by doing the right thing not by being corrupt. * Describe why it is important to understand the function of law enforcement within the criminal justice and how understanding this can better prepare you for a career within the criminal justice field. For example, if you chosen career function is corrections, how does law enforcement work with the correctional system in ensuring justice is served?
Friday, January 10, 2020
“Marrying Absurd†by Joan Didion Essay
Marrying Absurd is a writer based on marrying in Las Vegas and how easy is getting married. This write is writing by Joan Didion, he is a novelist and essayist. His purpose in this essay was to show readers that everyone can marry in Las Vegas whenever they want. A couple just should pay for the license and an ID that show that they both have the age requirement to get married. Marriage over there is a way super-fast and ship. Las Vegas, Nevada is a state that everything in the party because of the casino and the tourist visiting every year. Las Vegas has made such as the title of â€Å"What happens in Las Vegas stay in Las Vegas†. Because of this title, people are more likely to go to Las Vegas and go wild. This title is more know that people find love or a partner in crime over there, it is just a place to have some fun. Las Vegas never sleep because of the casinos, places, and the tourist that are rounding around. Didion stays that you can go to Las Vegas single, find a par tner and get married, avoiding that there is not love. Just with eighteen years old, a girl can go and marry without getting parental and the men just swear that he is twenty-one. In contrast to Florida girls with eighteen years old steel need parental sign until twenty-one. Didion specifies that they must swear, but yes they need to show an ID. Nothing more is required. All you need is want to get married, is that absurd? Didion stays what is likely and absurd is to get marry on Nevada. Didion focused on be sarcastically and show how to marriage in Las Vegas is absurd compared to the traditional way. The traditional way to get married, is known each other first, get in love on day by day basis. Then get to know the family, where they come from if it is a good family. Because it is going to be your family too. Sometimes living together before marriage could help building a good marriage in the future, or decide whether is the person you want next to you. Nowadays most couples live together before marriage and they become a successful family at the end. Then the ring ceremony, this date the groom prepare a good place and give a special ring to the future wife. Later, picking a special date to get married that for both mean something. Pick a good Dress for the girl and a men suit. This part is very important and most time for the bride. A good place for the wedding, and a delicious food. Everything must be perfect for the bride sake. The traditional way has been for years important for many people. It is special and people has memories remains forever. According to the text, marrying in Las Vegas is a way faster to get married. It is way more ship that the traditional one because the couple just pays for the license that is way more ship than a hiring a pop and get married in an expensive hotel. Getting married in Las Vegas just take one day, the traditional could take a minimum one month. In the end, it is the same marriage certificate and the same legitimate certificate, but it is still a bit different still. In Las Vegas, the couple marries without the family being there, sometimes an unknown person walks the bride, and there is unknown witness sign for the couple’s â€Å"love†. There are still people that think that a marriage certificate does not define the love that they feel for each other. These couples live for years have children, grandchildren and still does not want to get married, and yes they are the happiest one. Inside them, a piece of paper does not define anything. Other couples, all they think is getting married no matter what, and when they get married, they fail. Their relationship based on a certificate and that is not everything. And these are the couple that goes to Las Vegas and got married because all they want is a marriage certificate. Also, some women get married to an old man just to get his money. They forget that marriage is about love. Most couple that marries in Las Vegas does not love each other. Sometimes they are drunk because Las Vegas is like that, 90% of people that goes to visit Las Vegas get wild. In my belief, marrying is very important and Las Vegas is demonstrating that anyone can marry whenever they want without getting in so many details. If you have 20 boxes, you can just go with your partner and get married. They give you everything, dress, main suit, witness, everything you need. At some point that insane. Sometimes the couple just met at the casino or bar and they are drunk, they do not each other, just take the decision to get married at that time. The Court of Nevada is giving the couple that does not even know their name the opportunity to get married. What happens next, they get the divorce at the next day, because they do not know each other that much to make the thing that a married couple is supposed to do, or just live in different cities. A lot of tourists go every year, or once in all their lifetime to Las Vegas casinos and get drunk, wild, and that is awesome, but they are getting crazy about the â€Å"marring thing†. As we all know Las Vegas is the city of marriage. And yes, a lot of couple marriage there and as today they are still together, but that’s not all the cases. What about if the bride is the fifth teen and the bridegroom is sixty. It is the same they can get married in Las Vegas. Las Vegas has no law that the bride must bring the birth certificate or more than one proof to demonstrate that is eighteen years old. So, it is a big concern if the bride is fifty teen years old, looks like twenty and have a fake license ID. It can happen though and still get married to an old person or just a man that is basically 5 years more. There is no law that says to them that they cannot get married. But that is not even legal, but they can get married. There is no love between a fifty teen years old and old men of sixty. The fifty teen years old probably feel an illusion calling that love, and the old men just are his middle life crisis and want to be with a young girl. Without so much paperwork everyone no matter race, age, or religion can get married. Marring in Las Vegas is very controversial; couples can have their honeymoon at the same time. For some couples choosing Las Vegas for the day most important in their life is like a dream. A broom can give a dream ring in the middle of the casino if the girl says yes, they can marry at that exact moment. They are just following the emotions of what happened at that exact moment. They can dress like stars. These are most common on emerging adulthood stage between twenty-five and twenty-four, when both couples are in love and do not know the significance of marriage, and want to live a crazy moment like Las Vegas court propose to them. These marriage thing is engaging more young people to marry early in life, and became wife and groom when they are not prepared. On my perspective on this topic, marrying in Las Vegas is wrong. Most people that get married in Las Vegas do not love each other. If the couple loves each other, they get the time to prepare a wedding according to their money but very special to them with the family and friends, not in Las Vegas without the people that care about them. And maybe get the honeymoon on Las Vegas. Las Vegas, Nevada court is good for people that do not have any money and they want to get marriage and a marriage certificate is so important for them. And by the way, Vegas is not that ship to go, so if they go to Vegas is because they got the money to pay a flight, is better if they invest that money on a near court. The court is just a low profit for people getting crazy about Vegas and the marriage thing and getting wild and drunk. It should be a law that restricts the way of the wedding in Las Vegas. It should be more paperwork like others court to sign a yes, and start to live a married life. People sho uld marry in the traditional way, and it would stay memories last. To summarize, Didion point of view say that marrying in Las Vegas is absurd and explain the reason why and how is the marrying is done. I think the same as him, Las Vegas court of Nevada is making more people get married and are increasing the divorce papers. Wedding taking over there does not last long, it just part of the getting wild in Las Vegas. As it says â€Å"What happens in Las Vegas stays in Las Vegas†.
Thursday, January 2, 2020
Immanuel Kant And The Ford Pinto Case - 991 Words
Immanuel Kant and The Ford Pinto Case Immanuel Kant ¶s theory on morals states that  ³nothing can possibly be conceived in the world, or even out of it, which can be called good, without qualification, except a good will. ´ 1 Kant points to other human qualities such as courage, intelligence, wit and others that are  ³undoubtedly good and desirable, ´ 2 however, can become bad if the will of the person using them is not good. Kant maintains that in order for an action to be considered moral, it should first remove the  ³what it performs or effects ´ 3 andsecondly the  ³attainment of some proposed end. ´ 4 In removing these motivation and outcomes of anaction, how can an action be considered moral? Kant states that a reasonable person should†¦show more content†¦gas tanks and dangerous leaks. ´ 7 The fire and explosion risk that could occur even during low speed rear-end impact was reported, however, Ford made the decision to continue with the original design. It seemsFord officials made their decision to continue with the original design of the Pinto firstly, due to the spedup production schedule and any changes would mean retooling of the production line, which would addanother year to the schedule. Secondly, they conducted a cost-benefit analysis where they calculated thevalue of human life at $200, 000, a serious burn injury at $67, 000 and estimated deaths of 180 people andserious burns to 180 people. They determined that the reworked gas tank on the Pinto would cost $137million while possible liability cost could work out to be $49 million. Ford decided it would be more profitable to produce the Pinto with the defect rather than correct the flaw. The results was numerous preventable deaths, serious fire related injuries or damages and  ³approximately fifty lawsuits we re brought against Ford in connection with the rear-end accidents in the Pinto, ´ 8 Ford was even chargedwith a criminal homicide in the case of three teenagers burning to death when their Pinto was rear-endedand the gas tank burst into flames.In applying Kant ¶s ethics to the Ford Pinto case, we would begin by examining the  ³good will ´ inFord ¶s decision. Ford was greatly motivated as  ³imports were eating up more and more of the subcompactauto market, ´ 9Show MoreRelatedWhat Is Best Interest Of Our Shareholders Or A Sense Of Duty Or Universal Rules?877 Words  | 4 Pagesduty or universal rules that guide business decisions? The 18th century philosopher Immanuel Kant would suggest that these be the only thing that should play a factor when making any decisions, including those made in business. Kant’s theory took a nonconsequentialist viewpoint, in that we should not make decisions based on the consequences of our actions. Our actions should be based the will of goodness, or what Kant would describe as goodwill. When we act with a sense of good will, we act with a senseRead MoreThe American Automobile And The Foreign Car Manufacturers2686 Words  | 11 Pagesexamination of how people institutions should behave in the world of commerce. Specifically, it examines self-interest and profits, versus moral values and ethics. The Ford Pinto was a new stylish car, which gave Ford an ultimatum. Save money or save lives. In this paper I will explain the ethical problems with the Ford Pinto and why it’s imperative for corporations to incorporate ethics into their companies. The American automobile and the foreign car manufacturers were battling in 1960-70s
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